INDIAN BANK, a leading Public Sector Bank, having branches all over India and abroad invites applications from Indian Citizens for the post of SPECIALIST OFFICERS in Senior Management Grade which is being listed below:
Payment of Applicaiton fees (Demand Draft): 15.11.2012 to 30.11.2012
Last Date: 30.11.2012
Total Vacancies: 19
- Asst. General Manager (Treasury): 2
- Asst. General Manager (Accounts): 1
- Asst. General Manager (Taxation): 1
- Asst. General Manager (Human Resources): 1
- Chief Manager (Credit): 10
- Chief Manager (Planning): 1
- Chief Manager (Budget): 1
- Chief Manager(Risk Management): 1
- Chief Manager (Chartered Accountant): 1
Eligible candidates are advised to take printout of the application from our website and send us the duly fill ed up application with copies of certificates and Demand Draft to our office by Registered Post. In addition, c andidates are advised to send the scanned copy of the filled in application by e- mail to hohrm without fail before 30.11.2012.